Angle Converter

Angle Converter

What is an Angle Converter?

An angle converter is a tool that converts various units of angles into one another. It provides quick and accurate calculations for converting degrees, radians, gradians, and other angular measurements. Angle converters have become essential in the field of mathematics, engineering, physics, surveying and many other fields that require the use of angles.

The importance of using an angle converter cannot be overstated. Inaccurate measurements may lead to errors in critical projects such as building construction or bridge design which can result in catastrophic consequences. By using an angle converter, professionals can avoid these risks by ensuring their calculations are precise and accurate. Additionally, students studying math or science can benefit from using this tool as it helps them understand the relationships between different units of measurement while also providing a useful reference for solving problems related to trigonometry.


What can you do with Angle Converter?

The Angle Converter offers numerous features that make it an indispensable tool for professionals who work with angles regularly. For instance, the software supports conversions between various angle measurement systems such as sexagesimal (degrees/minutes/seconds), decimal degrees, radians or gradians. Additionally, the program has a user-friendly interface that allows users to input values quickly and efficiently.

Another useful feature of the Angle Converter is its ability to perform complex calculations involving different types of angles. You can use this software to calculate acute angles, obtuse angles or even reflex angles with ease.

Convert From Radian to Others:

Radian to Radian 1
Radian to Degree 57.29578
Radian to Minutes 3437.6780464391
Radian to Seconds 206264.79149882
Radian to Sign 1.9098593333333
Radian to Octant 1.2732395555556
Radian to Sextant 0.95492966666667
Radian to Quadrant 0.63661977777778
Radian to Revolution 0.15915494444444
Radian to Gon 63.661977777778
Radian to Mil 1018.5916444444

Convert From Degree to Others:

Degree to Radian 0.01745329237162
Degree to Degree 1
Degree to Minutes 59.998800024
Degree to Seconds 3599.999712
Degree to Sign 0.033333333333333
Degree to Octant 0.022222222222222
Degree to Sextant 0.016666666666667
Degree to Quadrant 0.011111111111111
Degree to Revolution 0.0027777777777778
Degree to Gon 1.1111111111111
Degree to Mil 17.777777777778

Convert From Minutes to Others:

Minutes to Radian 0.00029089402395779
Minutes to Degree 0.016667
Minutes to Minutes 1
Minutes to Seconds 60.001195199904
Minutes to Sign 0.00055556666666667
Minutes to Octant 0.00037037777777778
Minutes to Sextant 0.00027778333333333
Minutes to Quadrant 0.00018518888888889
Minutes to Revolution 4.6297222222222E-5
Minutes to Gon 0.018518888888889
Minutes to Mil 0.29630222222222

Convert From Seconds to Others:

Seconds to Radian 4.8481371577453E-6
Seconds to Degree 0.0002777778
Seconds to Minutes 0.016666334673307
Seconds to Seconds 1
Seconds to Sign 9.25926E-6
Seconds to Octant 6.17284E-6
Seconds to Sextant 4.62963E-6
Seconds to Quadrant 3.08642E-6
Seconds to Revolution 7.71605E-7
Seconds to Gon 0.000308642
Seconds to Mil 0.004938272


Sign to Radian 0.52359877114859
Sign to Degree 30
Sign to Minutes 1799.96400072
Sign to Seconds 107999.99136
Sign to Sign 1
Sign to Octant 0.66666666666667
Sign to Sextant 0.5
Sign to Quadrant 0.33333333333333
Sign to Revolution 0.083333333333333
Sign to Gon 33.333333333333
Sign to Mil 533.33333333333

Convert From Octant to Others:

Octant to Radian 0.78539815672289
Octant to Degree 45
Octant to Minutes 2699.94600108
Octant to Seconds 161999.98704
Octant to Sign 1.5
Octant to Octant 1
Octant to Sextant 0.75
Octant to Quadrant 0.5
Octant to Revolution 0.125
Octant to Gon 50
Octant to Mil 800

Convert From Sextant to Others:

Sextant to Radian 1.0471975422972
Sextant to Degree 60
Sextant to Minutes 3599.92800144
Sextant to Seconds 215999.98272
Sextant to Sign 2
Sextant to Octant 1.3333333333333
Sextant to Sextant 1
Sextant to Quadrant 0.66666666666667
Sextant to Revolution 0.16666666666667
Sextant to Gon 66.666666666667
Sextant to Mil 1066.6666666667

Convert From Quadrant to Others:

Quadrant to Radian 1.5707963134458
Quadrant to Degree 90
Quadrant to Minutes 5399.89200216
Quadrant to Seconds 323999.97408
Quadrant to Sign 3
Quadrant to Octant 2
Quadrant to Sextant 1.5
Quadrant to Quadrant 1
Quadrant to Revolution 0.25
Quadrant to Gon 100
Quadrant to Mil 1600

Convert From Revolution to Others:

Revolution to Radian 6.2831852537831
Revolution to Degree 360
Revolution to Minutes 21599.56800864
Revolution to Seconds 1295999.89632
Revolution to Sign 12
Revolution to Octant 8
Revolution to Sextant 6
Revolution to Quadrant 4
Revolution to Revolution 1
Revolution to Gon 400
Revolution to Mil 6400

Convert From Gon to Others:

Gon to Radian 0.015707963134458
Gon to Degree 0.9
Gon to Minutes 53.9989200216
Gon to Seconds 3239.9997408
Gon to Sign 0.03
Gon to Octant 0.02
Gon to Sextant 0.015
Gon to Quadrant 0.01
Gon to Revolution 0.0025
Gon to Gon 1
Gon to Mil 16

Convert From Mil to Others:

Mil to Radian 0.00098174769590361
Mil to Degree 0.05625
Mil to Minutes 3.37493250135
Mil to Seconds 202.4999838
Mil to Sign 0.001875
Mil to Octant 0.00125
Mil to Sextant 0.0009375
Mil to Quadrant 0.000625
Mil to Revolution 0.00015625
Mil to Gon 0.0625
Mil to Mil



let's try our angle converter tool & report to us if you found any errors.


Vikas Kumar


A young entrepreneur who is managing multiple blogs and tools websites related to digital marketing & technology. I love trying new things in the digital world and sharing my knowledge with others.

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